Lenten Small Groups
January 27, 2025
Calling Volunteers: BHPC Youth Need You!
January 27, 2025Here is BHPC’s inclement weather policy:
Meetings: If Montgomery County Schools are closed or cancel afternoon/ evening / weekend activities, scheduled activities and meetings in the BHPC building are typically cancelled. Worship will be handled separately. If there is an adverse weather event, but conditions improve enough to allow for evening meetings, you will hear directly from the pastors or lay ministry leadership about those meetings. If you have any questions, please call the church office or email the pastors.
Church Offices: If Montgomery County Schools Administrative Offices are closed or open late, our church office will be closed or open late. If there is an adverse weather event, please call the church office first before coming in to ensure someone is here to meet you.
Worship: Pastor Gray will make a determination regarding worship services. Every effort will be made to hold worship as scheduled, but please use your judgment for safe traveling. We will attempt to update the church website if a change needs to be made, but calling the church office to check on worship is a good idea in case of bad weather.