In-Person: 8:30 & 10:30 am
Livestream: 10:30 am
Experience Inspiring Worship
Our services are known for their depth and beauty, combining thoughtful messages, rich music, and warm fellowship.
We believe meaningful worship arises from the joint contributions of our congregation and pastors, and we’re dedicated to meeting the special needs of families and children.
Join us on Sundays and discover the Spirit alive at Bradley Hills.
Two Services
08:30 AM
A shorter, more informal service
without the choir in Covenant Hall
10:30 AM
A traditional service with the choir and
children’s message in the Sanctuary. Livestreamed.
Our weekly message is the cornerstone of worship, designed to create an atmosphere of reverence and joy.
At Bradley Hills, we value the Word and our pastors’ reflections. Senior Pastor David Gray, a respected educator, delivers sermons imbued with deep scriptural understanding and nuanced discernment of God’s love and Christian purpose.
His teachings, along with those of Pastor Denise, offer opportunities to reflect and deepen your understanding of life and devotion.
At Bradley Hills, music is a vital expression of our faith and identity. We strive to connect with God and each other through song, a practice deeply rooted in Christian tradition.
Our outstanding music program thrives on weekly organ and choral music, featuring our custom-designed Holtkamp Organ and century-old Steinway Grand Piano. A diverse range of ensembles includes the esteemed Chancel Choir, talented handbell ringers, a joyful intergenerational choir, and two children’s choirs. We also enjoy lively Christmas caroling, summer hymn sings, and more!
And for those who appreciate exceptional artistry, our renowned Friends of Music Concert Series brings world-class performances to our community.
Fellowship in God’s Love
At Bradley Hills, fellowship is woven throughout our worship. We gather as God’s disciples, supporting one another on our faith journeys.
From the moment you enter, our ushers extend a warm welcome. In our beautiful sanctuary, we raise our voices together in song and prayer, creating a powerful sense of shared purpose.
We conclude with the Passing of the Peace, followed by coffee and fellowship hour. Many lasting friendships begin on Sunday mornings here at Bradley Hills. Join us and experience for yourself uplifting connections through faith.
Children & Families
Families are the heart of Bradley Hills, and we make sure that Sunday worship is family friendly. Childcare is provided for those 3 and under so parents can focus on worship.
Children are invited to the first section of our 10:30 am service, which has a lively Children’s Message. Then those ages 3 to grade 5 can go to Church School — even first-time visitors! Children are also welcome to stay with their parents during worship, and activity kits are available.
For Youth, we know the importance of creating a space just for them. They are invited to stay for worship and often gather together in our balcony. There’s a Youth Group meeting most Sundays after 10:30 worship in our Youth Lounge.
We are dedicated to nurturing our families through the challenges of modern life and we offer our services as a foundation of support. We welcome your family to our fold!
The worship experience at Bradley Hills is a rich reflection of our community coming together to serve God. There are many serving opportunities.
- Ushers greet each person who walks in the door.
- Chancel Choir fills the sanctuary with music.
- Lay Readers lead worship through scripture readings and prayers.
- Chancel Guild and Flower Guild beautify the church’s sacred space.
- Communion Servers prepare the sacraments and serve communion.
- Chancel Players bring dramatic flair to worship and announcements.
- Audio/Visual Team facilitates worship, both in person and online.
- Nursery School teachers bring the Good News to our young ones and allow parents to focus on worship.
If you wish to add your time and talents to our worship team, we welcome you!
Special Occasions
The beauty of our sanctuary and the dedication of our staff make Bradley Hills an ideal place for meaningful rituals.