World Communion Sunday
October 4, 2024Annual Coat Drive
October 5, 2024October 6, 2024.
World Communion Sunday is the perfect day for you, your friends, and your children to join your church family in a Day of Service.
After the 10:30 service on October 6 (around 11:30 am), we will leave the sanctuary and head to Memorial Hall and get to our joyful work.
We will:
- Assemble Disaster Kits, for the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance & Church World Service.
- Assemble Smart Sacks: weekend food for local school children through Manna.
- Help with buying and sorting coats for the Annual Coat Drive for Arcola Elementary. To volunteer for the coat drive, visit Sign-Up Genius.
This is a child-friendly volunteer event. There will be childcare available for our youngest children.
Come one, come all! We are looking forward to working together. Questions? Please email Pastor Denise at or call (301) 365-2850.