Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
November 26, 2024Alternative Giving
December 12, 2024Each year, BHPC invites those attending our services to make a special Christmas offering. The Christmas Joy Offering will be accepted at the December 15, 22, and 29 services. There will be special offering envelopes available in the pews. You may also make your contribution online and designate it for this offering.
A letter from the Mission Coordination Lay Ministry describes how this offering works.
Dear Friends,
There is so much to appreciate as we approach the arrival of the perfect gift, the very vulnerable baby Jesus. He walks alongside us on our journey through life and is ever present through every vulnerable human moment.
It is at those vulnerable moments that we are intended to care for each other and lift each other up. The Christmas Joy Offering is an opportunity for you to offer what you can to uplift fellow human beings at times of need:
>Support for church workers, their families and retired ministers through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions as they face medical and other unexpected costs.
>Support for students in Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color, as they pursue their education and prepare to bring their gifts of service to the church and to the world.
We do not walk alone. Our gifts combine with gifts from thousands of congregations throughout The Presbyterian Church USA to do our part to repair the world and ensure that our siblings have the resources that they need to flourish.
The Christmas Joy Offering will be accepted December 15, 22, and 29. The special offering envelopes will be in the pews. You may also make your contribution online and designate it for this offering (link to come).
Thank you for joining together to walk alongside the vulnerable, in honor of our beloved Jesus Christ.
With Gratitude,
Elizabeth St. John
For the Mission Coordination Lay Ministry