Grief Support Workshop: Handling the Holidays After Loss
October 15, 2024
Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship and Brunch
October 15, 2024Food Drive extended to November 17! Please join in our interfaith effort to collect Thanksgiving meals for 80 families in our area. Bring a list with you on your next trip to the grocery store and include one of each of the items listed below to help a family enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.
The food drive takes place from October 20 to November 17, 2024. Please deliver non-perishable food items to Memorial Hall by Sunday, November 17. Our youth will organize everything in preparation for an Interfaith Assemble-a-Basket activity on Interfaith Sunday. This event is open to all.
We will be working in coordination with the National Center for Children and Families and the Feeding Families program in Anacostia (Washington, DC).
Monetary Donation
If you prefer not to shop, a monetary donation enables us to include grocery store gift cards for each family to purchase a turkey or other perishable items for their meal. You can donate in several ways:
- Online by credit card (via Realm): Choose “Thanksgiving Baskets” in drop down box for “Fund”.
Donate online - $25 gift cards from Giant. After purchasing cards at Giant, please deliver them to Rosanna Howard at BHPC, the Bethesda Jewish Congregation office, or to MIIC.
- By Check: Monetary donations may be made by check, made payable to either BJC, BHPC, or MIIC, with “Thanksgiving Drive” in the memo. Mail or hand deliver to BJC, BHPC, or MIIC.
Questions? Contact Rosanna Howard (BHPC) , Becky (BJC) at becky@bethesdajewish.org, or MIIC at maqaameibrahim@gmail.com.
Drop off Location
Memorial Hall
6601 Bradley Blvd.
Bethesda, Maryland
Shopping List of Non-Perishable Food Items
- Canned yams or sweet potatoes (16-17 oz)
- Canned corn (16-17 oz)
- Canned green beans (16-17 oz)
- Other canned vegetables (16-17 oz)
- Any canned fruit (16-17 oz)
- Jarred applesauce (24 oz)
- Canned cranberry sauce (16-17 oz)
- Gravy (can, jar, or packet)
- Box or bag of stuffing mix (standard size)
- Box of cornbread mix (standard size)
- Box of cake mix w/ frosting, Jello, or pudding mix
- Box or bag of pasta (standard size)
- Rice or rice mix (standard size)
- Can of soup (16-17 oz)
- Halloween single-sized candy

This is a project of the Inter-Congregational Partnership Committee of the three faith communities that worship at 6601 Bradley Blvd.: Bethesda Jewish Congregation, Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, and Maqaame Ibrahim Islamic Center.